JA Connie Mack Baseball Program 2025
Connie Mack Baseball is comprised of five leagues based upon age and level of play for 12 to 15 year old boys.
Connie Mack Baseball is a community baseball league played on a regulation, full-sized baseball field with 90' bases and a 60' 6" pitcher's mound. The league is administered by a Board of Directors, that works to maintain the integrity of community baseball and sets rules that govern league play. Each organization has a defined territory from where it may draw players.
JA Connie Mack plays in the Bux-Mont Division of The Pennsylvania Connie Mack Baseball League. Pennsylvania Connie Mack was formed in 1953 and has two divisions, the Bux-Mont and the Lehigh Valley. At the end of the year, Pennsylvania Connie Mack holds a year-end tournament with the top teams from each "A” League competing for the title of State Champion.
The League maintains a website at www.bmcm.homestead.com. There you will find additional information on the teams in the league, directions to their fields as well as rules governing the league.
Our overriding goal is to provide the boys of this organization with a quality baseball experience. That quality experience encompasses everything from the organization of our program, to player selection, to the condition of the fields on which we play to the uniforms that we wear. While all that is good; first and foremost - it must be fun. When dealing with players of this age; things must be fun or they will find something else to do.
However, while fun is important, we also try to instill a goal-oriented approach to the game that demonstrates the value of practice and commitment. An old proverb stipulates that, ”If a job is worth doing, it is worth doing well”. Baseball is a difficult sport that requires work and practice to achieve even a modest level of success. Participation in baseball at this level requires not only a commitment from the player, but also the parents. Games are no longer just around the corner. Parents will have to drive players to games that are sometimes 30-45 minutes away. It is our belief that the coaches, teammates and the parents deserve a certain level of effort from each player. We will attempt to motivate to boys to willingly put forth that effort.